Course Info for CSE3303 - Operating Systems 3 credits Instructor: Assistant Prof. H. Fatih Ugurdag Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Organization, SW Lab I Textbook: Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition by Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne Wiley, 2005 Course Materials: * * (Please sign up -- you will need a Yahoo id) * What is this course about? This course is a core course on one of the pillars of computer systems: Operating Systems (OS). The course will make the student appreciate things he takes for granted such as process management, file systems, and so on. It will also help him make an entry into the domains of efficent use of OSes and OS design. * Email List: (sign up -- see above) * Lecture Hours: Section 1 => Tue 09:30-10:20, Thu 8:30-10:20 Section 2 => Mon 08:30-09:20, Fri 8:30-10:20 Section 3 => Tue 08:30-09:20, Wed 8:30-10:20 * Instructor Office Hours: Mon & Tue 9:30-10:30, Wed 10:30-11:30, Fri 11:30-12:30 * TA: Recep Gokceli * Grading: (see the homepage) Syllabus: (subject to change) Week# 1. Course introduced. Movie: Pirates of Silicon Valley. Week# 2. History of PCs. What is an OS? Week# 3. History of OSes and early computers. Multi-tasking. Week# 4. Multi-tasking cont'd. HW aspects: dual mode, memory hierarchy. Week# 5. Textbook chapters covered so far reviewed. Distributed systems. Real-time systems. Layered approach. Drivers. BIOS. Week# 6. Must-know concepts introduced so far reviewed. PCI. DMA. How to pick tq. CPU burst estimation. Week# 7. Piping. RAMDISK. Parent & child processes. UNIX shells and Ampersand. CPU Scheduling. Queue, FIFO, Stack. Starvation. Compiling & Linking. Static & Dynamic Libraries. Week# 8. Linking demonstrated. MT1. Week# 9. IPC. Semaphores. Week# 10. Dining Philosophers. Deadlock. Banker's Algorithm. Week# 11. File systems. Week# 12. Linux. MT2. Week# 13. Linux cont'd. Week# 14. Linux cont'd.