Here is a list of what you should read in the textbook.
Here is a list of must-know buzzwords.
Week 1 (Sep 24-28): Course introduced. Movie: Pirates of Silicon Valley.
Week 2 (Oct 1-5): History of PCs. What is an OS?
Week 3 (Oct 8-12): History of OSes and early computers. Multi-tasking.
Week 4 (Oct 15-19): Multi-tasking cont'd. HW aspects: dual mode, memory hierarchy.
Week 5 (Oct 22-26): Textbook chapters covered so far reviewed. Distributed systems. Real-time systems. Layered approach. Drivers. BIOS.
Week 6 (Oct 30 - Nov 2): Must-know concepts introduced so far reviewed. PCI. DMA. How to pick tq. CPU burst estimation.
Week 7 (Nov 5-9): Piping. RAMDISK. Parent & child processes. UNIX shells and Ampersand. CPU Scheduling. Queue, FIFO, Stack. Starvation. Compiling & Linking. Static & Dynamic Libraries.
Week 8 (Nov 12-16): NYU Linker described and examples done.
Week 9 (Nov 19-23): Process syncronization. WithdrawMoney example. Shared variables. Semaphores.
Week 10 (Nov 26-30): Semaphores continued. Mutexes. Atomic operations. TimerInterruptDisable. TestAndSet. TAS instruction with CPU pipelined stalled. Wait/Signal operations. Dekker's algorithm.
Week 11 (Dec 3-7): Deadlock. Dining Philosophers (DP) problem. Conflict (race condition), Deadlock, Starvation, Fairness, Wait-time. A real DP problem in database world. (Multiple solutions to the problem from 1. non-solution (no semaphores) 2,3. possible deadlock (uses semaphores) 4. asymmetry => no deadlock but possible starvation 5. atomic pick-up of both forks => still possible starvation (with monitors) 6. queue method => no starvation but long average wait-time 7. "take a number" method => less wait-time if more than 5 philosophers. 8. "time out" method with atomic pick-up of both forks => shorter average wait-time.) Resource requirement graph. Resource allocation and wait-for graphs. Detecting deadlocked or possibly deadlocked processes. Finding cycles in a graph. Hansel-Gratel method. DP problem done with a referee that uses a priority scheme.
Week 12 (Dec 10-14): Deadlock detection, avoidance, prevention. Banker's algorithm. Virtual Memory. File systems.